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A selection of the best children's blankets: which filler to choose for a child from 3 years old

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141075, Moscow Region, Korolev, ul. Gorky, d12a, office 413

For winter

Once upon a time, cotton wool was the only content option. This model is very warm, but it weighs a bit too much. Washing turned into a difficult process, drying took several days, but there was no alternative. I had to come to terms with all the shortcomings, because the need to warm the child and protect it from drafts came to the fore.

Modern species have the same level of heat, and sometimes even in terms of performance exceed a cotton blanket, which is almost gone in history. In the “Goods” catalog you will find products with different fillers, different sizes, manufacturers and price categories. The pastel colors, softness and natural composition of the models “Zephyr”, “Star Dream”, “Perky Zigzag” from the Melok_Studio brand attract attention. Domestic goods are not inferior in terms of technical characteristics to foreign ones, and their price is much lower, since there is no need to bear the costs of transportation, storage in transit warehouses. The quality of Russian textile products is well known and does not cause concern even among the most dubious parents. For the manufacture of traditionally used natural materials.

To make the child comfortable during sleep, one should focus on the microclimate of the room when buying. Sometimes it is advisable to purchase immediately 2 models of different thickness and warmth. Then washing or drying will not create a problem.

There are several types of insulation. Each of them has advantages and some disadvantages, so when thinking about which filler is best for a good baby blanket, it is worth paying attention to each of these parameters.

It is considered the warmest. Lightweight and environmentally friendly, perfectly absorbs moisture, allows air to pass through. If the room is cool in winter, then this option will be the best for the child.

Down layers are of several types.

  1. Duck is one of the cheapest. It is short-lived, the structure of the pen is such that it can be pricked through the case, quickly collected in lumps, even if the stitch is made in compliance with all requirements.
  2. Goose better, the standard is considered to be Swiss. Domestic manufacturers use it in most cases, since the product successfully combines price and quality.
  3. The warmest, as well as expensive and heavy, is considered to be eiderdown.
  4. Swan was once used, but has long been banned for use and replaced by other varieties.

The advantages are obvious, but there are a number of disadvantages. The fluff damps easily, washing is not welcome, so you have to use dry cleaning services, it is demanding on storage conditions. Dust mites can start in the fluff, which causes severe allergic reactions. In addition, the cost of such a blanket is quite high.

Sheep's wool

The therapeutic and prophylactic properties of this material are widely known. It is quite light, retains heat, absorbs excess moisture without acquiring an unpleasant odor. The combination of softness and excellent warming effect at a low price made the sheep wool blanket popular among buyers. With proper operation, the service life is several years.

The rules of care are simple:

  • washing is rare, special liquid compositions are used,
  • regular drying in a straightened state is required.

Sheep wool as a filler has a massage effect, normalizes blood circulation, relieves muscle pain, and increases resistance to colds. Under such a blanket, the child quickly calms down, relaxes and falls asleep. This contributes to the weight of the product. It is heavier than down, softly covers, slightly hugging and preventing the penetration of cold air. It is not recommended to use it for individual allergic reactions.

Camel's wool

Its characteristics are close to sheep. To the advantages, we can add that it holds the optimum temperature well, saving in the cold and preventing it from overheating in the heat. This property is especially important for children, as they often freeze when falling asleep, and then open because they are warm. A camel blanket will rarely appear on the floor, because it perfectly regulates heat transfer.

It is unpretentious in use and care. Washing is rarely required, because the filler does not absorb foreign odors, and ventilation is recommended twice a year: in the fall, before the cold weather, and in the spring to remove it for summer storage. When folded, it takes up little space, quickly acquiring the previous volume after drying and shaking. It retains its best appearance when stitching with squares.

Lanolin (wool wax) has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the children's body. The price of the product is high, but during operation it fully pays off for quality and durability. Some children are also allergic to camel hair, so you should be careful when choosing.


This filler has recently appeared on the market, but has already acquired its fans. The finest cellulose fibers do not roll, the texture resembles silk, very light and durable. Such a blanket can be used in any season, as it perfectly holds the temperature and passes air well. It is recommended for allergy sufferers, since it does not provoke attacks, inhibits the development of pathogenic microbes, and dust mites in such an environment are uncomfortable.

It does not require frequent washings, and withstands more than 500 manipulations without loss of presentation and technical characteristics. The blanket is quickly ventilated, does not trap unpleasant odors. Returning the product to its original appearance is simple: just shake it vigorously several times and the filler is evenly distributed throughout the cells.

The problem is that there are a lot of fakes on the market and you can buy high-quality goods only at proven trading floors, such as Tovarika.


Artificial fiber has passed the test of time a long time and has proved its environmental friendliness, health safety and good technical characteristics. It is distinguished by practicality, ease of care, ease of storage and operation.

This blanket is perfect for children who have not yet learned to wake up at night to use the toilet. It is easily erased with any program of the machine, it is not demanding on the powder, after the intensive extraction mode it dries for several hours and is ready to use again.

Hollofiber is a non-woven material made from polyester fibers, recommended for children with allergies. In combination with a cover made of natural fabric, it will provide the child with a comfortable sleep without causing shortness of breath, nasal congestion and manifestations of urticaria.

There are 5 options on sale that differ in the degree of warmth: from super-warm to lightweight for cool summer days. The badge on the tag will tell you which type is presented on the counter. The advantages of the filler include the refractoriness of the material - it does not burn and even smolders with difficulty. Does not accumulate static electricity. This option is much cheaper than analogues with natural fillers.


The material appears before customers in several versions with similar properties. Any thing made of cotton allows the skin to "breathe", does not cause allergies, irritations, but it is easily wrinkled. To improve the quality of products, a small amount of polyester, viscose is added to their composition. The most important properties are:

  • good hygroscopicity
  • heat storage ability
  • resistance to chemically aggressive substances of organic origin,
  • affordability.

With all the positive aspects, it should be borne in mind that over time, cotton fades and thins out under the influence of direct sunlight, with increased humidity it becomes a fertile platform for the development of microorganisms.

Proper care of things reduces the negative features of the material to almost zero. Washing is done in a gentle mode, and it is best to dry the product in the shade or under the roof, where there is no bright sunlight.

For kids produce several types of summer blankets.

  1. Bike shoes. They are indispensable for the off-season, when sudden changes in weather provoke a cold. Light, moderately warm, comfortable, soft, they are easy to care for and durable. Such a blanket is often inherited or remains in the family waiting for grandchildren.
  2. Bedspread from fleece and calico. It is slightly lighter in weight, useful in the evening sometimes, when you still need to take cover, but under the insulated version it is already hot.
  3. Terry bedspread. Almost weightless, with a pleasant surface, it passes air well, does not retain moisture, when compactly folded into a small roller.

For comfortable use, the size of the panel should match the length of the bed or be slightly larger.

Providing air circulation, this fabric perfectly warms up, creating a comfortable temperature for baby sleep. The peculiarity of the material is that microorganisms do not live in it. Lightweight, practical blankets are expensive, but durable and look luxurious. They can be used as a decorative bedspread during the day when children are busy with a walk or a game, and in the evening they easily turn into a cozy cocoon, in which it is convenient for children to fall asleep.

When buying, you need to carefully consider the quality and manufacturer. On the market regularly appear parties of fakes, which are sold at the price of the original, but are significantly inferior to it in all respects.


Thinking about which filler of the blanket is best for a 3-year-old child, if he has rhinitis, shortness of breath or skin rashes, it is worth considering a number of products that have a low allergenic level.

The cause of the ailment is often a dust mite. Its habitat is fluff, wool, feathers. Parents seek to acquire a model to which their child will not respond with convulsive sneezing and reddened eyes. Therefore, experts recommend paying attention to such materials as:

  • bamboo,
  • eucalyptus,
  • holofiber
  • synthetic winterizer
  • seaweed with silver ions,
  • tinsulate.

To avoid allergy, you need to choose wear-resistant bedding with good antistatic performance, high breathability, lack of latex and glue. It is worth remembering that hypoallergenic fillers do not tolerate temperatures below zero, dry cleaning and washing above 60 ° C.

Manufacturers rating

For domestic companies, the conformity of goods to GOST is mandatory. TU markings can also be found, but it is better not to get them for kids.

The most famous brands of children's textiles are:

  • The Ivanovo Trademark Soft-tex - for many years it has been a leader and guarantor of quality,
  • OL-Tex in the city of Hotkovo, producing high-quality and affordable products,
  • Natures, La Prima, whose products are distinguished by their original colors and designs,
  • Morshansk manufactory, producing a wide range of bedding,

Personal choice of "Merchants" - Melok Studio. The brand offers surprisingly soft and gentle to the touch products for toddlers and older children.

Among foreign manufacturers, the three leaders include the German Flaum Anna, the Turkish Karna, the Austrian company Johann hefel and German Grass.

Also trustworthy are the products of Soft Dream, Primavelle, Three Baby Dolls, IKEA.

How to choose the best blanket for your baby

When planning a purchase, you need to carefully look at the sewing method, dimensions, cover material. For different heaters, there are their own techniques.

Quilted varieties are stitched through, along with a filler, which should be uniform. These are wool, cotton, vegetable and synthetic fibers. Such a product will not lose shape after washing, is sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress. Which is extremely important, because children are very fond of jumping on the bed.

Fantasy patterns characterize the carosteppe model. It perfectly serves as an elegant bedspread and looks very impressive. Separate cells are characteristic of the cassette stitch method when the surface is divided into squares. Any of these types is perfect for a child, because they are strong, durable, distribute the filler evenly.

When choosing a cover, it is worth focusing on natural fabrics. It is more convenient if it will be removable. The required degree of warmth depends on the temperature in the bedroom and individual preferences.

Kids love bright colors, but for moral comfort it is better to choose neutral shades. They calm, set up for sleep.

An important criterion for the purchased item will be environmental cleanliness and

material safety. To confirm these indicators, there is documentation where all parameters are detailed. Sellers of quality goods are always ready to provide it at the first request of buyers.

Those with allergy symptoms should choose hypoallergenic models. They will give the child a calm comfortable sleep, will restore strength for a new day.

It’s best to buy this item with your child. Let the opinion of the child be decisive in the framework of softness and design, because this is his future favorite bedding.

The choice of a baby blanket depends on many parameters, among which price is important. But it is necessary to focus, first of all, on the quality and convenience for the baby. Service life is also important, because you do not want to bear the cost of buying new models every season that quickly become unusable. Taking into account all the requirements, one might think that the task is impossible. But a large assortment of bedding on the Tovarika trading platform will allow you to find the right option.


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A baby blanket is an integral attribute of a baby's berth. Online store "Domilfo" offers warm winter blankets, rugs, light bedspreads, pillows, which will be not only pleasant, but also beneficial for caring mothers to buy.

Size and types of baby blankets

The blanket for children can be made from natural materials and with artificial filler. Our catalog contains products from wool, with a filler from fluff, cotton wool, silk, bamboo, synthetic materials.

Choosing blankets for babies is important considering:

  • thermal conductivity level
  • hygroscopicity
  • hypoallergenic
  • ability to tolerate washing-ironing cycles,
  • compliance with the dimensions of the crib and other bed paraphernalia.

Before you buy a baby blanket, it is important to determine the size, for this you can use the following classification:

  • For newborns - 120 x 85 cm.
  • From 1 to 3 years - 110-140 cm.
  • Teenage one and a half blankets.

In the catalog of the Domilfo online store you will find textile products for the whole family that meet international standards of quality and safety. You can buy goods at competitive prices, with delivery in Moscow and in the regions.